Peachtree Password Recovery V10ifullrar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A: try using pgrep and awk to keep only the relevant part of the results: PGrep -f "source=$source&destination=$destination" -ln | awk '/source=$source/{print $1}' This example is for Linux, I don't know if the tool you are using has a function similar to pgrep. UPDATE I've just found this tool: It works as simple as PGrep, all you need to do is to install it and you can use it as you would use pgrep. $fastsearching-quick-find-linux -d -x -s -r -v --exclude list.txt source destination source=XXXXXXXXXXXXX:t:s-sd-source destination=XXXX:t:s-sd-destination [100/5962] 1.318s. Source= destination= [100/5962] 1.766s. Source=XX.XXX.XXX.XXX:t:s-dir destination=XX.XXX.XXX.XXX:t:s-destination [100/5962] 1.525s. Q: How to read a csv table and normalize each unique attribute into one unique attribute? In my text file, I have the following table. 1,Eric,28,32,1189-741-2290,1 2,Eric,28,32,8501-521-1153,2 3,Eric,28,32,1-654-1520,3 4,Sarah,19,27,892-945-3124,1 5,Sarah,19,27,2343-238-1234,2 6,Sarah,19,27,8445-523-3420,3 7,Anna,27,27,4512-123-1234,4 8,Anna,27,27,8765-456-9876,5 9 1cdb36666d
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